Occupy Wall Street

There is a shared feeling on the streets around the world that the global economy is a Ponzi scheme run by and for Big Finance. People everywhere are waking up to the realization that there is something fundamentally wrong with a system in which speculative financial transactions add up, each day, to $1.3 trillion (50 times more than the sum of all the commercial transactions). Meanwhile, according to a United Nations report, ”in the 35 countries for which data exist, nearly 40 per cent of jobseekers have been without work for more than one year.”

A Tahrir Moment on Wall Street – Will people’s encampments emerge in financial districts around the world?

Om Besök en bank

Hur används mina pengar? Som kunder och medborgare menar vi att det är dags att besöka bankerna och ställa väl valda frågor.
Detta inlägg publicerades i Kunskapsbank, Media och märktes , , , , . Bokmärk permalänken.


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